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Webinar: Digging up the dirt using rapid genomic discovery with nanopore sequencing, Devin Drown
Rapid genomic discovery using VolTRAX library preparation and nanopore sequencing | Devin Drown
Brook Milligan | Identifying Biological Samples with the MinION
real time testing of environmental DNA samples using the new MINion
Protein Nano Pore
Douglas Mendel: Comparative metagenomics of natural & artificial ponds of the Atlantic Rainforest
Hand-held DNA-sequencing and biosensing with nanopores (Prof. Dr. Stefan Howorka
Metabarcoding of soil eDNA identifies bacterial rewilding during revegetation
eDNA: Extended discussion
Introduction of the AIMR (8/16) - Control atoms and molecules
Microbiome Analysis
16s rRNA workshop Harrison/Christian